Dr Margie Morgan MD

About Dr. Morgan


I am a clinical microbiologist and currently the director of microbiology at Cedars- Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA. I love to teach, and during my thirty years in microbiology I have taught enumerable pathology residents, infectious disease fellows, pharmacists, infection control nurses, and clinical laboratory scientists. I have reviewed hundreds of pathology residents for their board examination at the pathology review courses. It has been my goal to spread the science and art of microbiology to whoever would look and listen. I love to teach microbiology!



I am starting this site to help you review basic microbiology topics and methods through PowerPoint presentations, study notes, and short video presentations. This site is intended for microbiology topic reviews for board examination preparation or for just a "taste" of a topic. It is not meant to be an in depth review of all microbiology.



I welcome your questions and suggestions for topic review. I will do my best to answer your inquiries and promise to never identify you or your institution in my response and will never give anyone else your email information.